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澳门威尼斯人直营网站' Guide to Small Package Shipping Fees

There are all kinds of variables that affect your small package shipping rate, such as weight, zone and service level. But did you know that your company's small package shipments are also subject to accessorials?

What are accessorials?

Accessorials are additional charges for services that are not included in standard shipping rates. Different shipping situations necessitate different fees, so it's important to understand your shipping requirements before you request a quote.

By planning for common small package shipping fees, you can get more accurate quotes and anticipate any additional shipping expenses ahead of time. That means no more billing surprises!

Understand Your Shipping Fees

Download 澳门威尼斯人直营网站' Guide to Small Package Shipping Fees to learn the most common accessorials that could be affecting your business, including:

  • Residential Surcharges
  • Pickup Fees
  • Address Correction Fees
  • Additional Handling Fees
  • And more!

We'll also teach you the importance of dimensional weight (also known as DIM or volumetric weight), which can contribute to unexpected fees on your final bill. Plus, you'll get helpful tools for calculating your shipment's billable weight.

Ship Smarter With 澳门威尼斯人直营网站

We've outlined the most common small package shipping fees, but there are other variables that could affect your business shipping rates — and your company's bottom line. By working with a third-party logistics partner like 澳门威尼斯人直营网站, you can learn ways to cut shipping costs without cutting corners.

As an authorized UPS® reseller, we offer unmatched services for the unique needs of small- to mid-sized businesses. In addition to great rates on your small package shipping, as a 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 customer, you can enjoy a dedicated account service team, easy-to-use shipping tools and flexible invoicing and shipment insurance options.

Contact 澳门威尼斯人直营网站 to learn how we can help you save on your small package shipping.

Guide To Understanding Domestic Delivery Options

UPS® Shipping: Understanding Your Delivery Options

Read 澳门威尼斯人直营网站’ helpful guide to understanding UPS shipping delivery options and learn which is right for your business.

Learn More